
  Twiztid Heart Games.com is now Free HTML Games.com . We think this new names and look for the site will be beneficial to the growth of the site .


  Twiztid Heart Studio.com is now Twiztid Heart Games.com but if you put
  One Or the other URL in you go to the same site .

  Twiztid heart Studio is now accepting games from other developers of the Indie variety . That has interest in letting the world see your incredible works of art . You must email Twiztid heart Studio at Twiztidheart.studio@yahoo.com.


  They’re are 4 more days until Father’s Day so how about getting together with your father and playing some cool games at Twiztid heart Studio.com  


  We now have a line of T-shirts at teespring.com. If you want one or two you can go to  https://teespring.com/stores/twiztid-heart-studio-2

  If you can not find one of our games on the google Chrome web store it might have been removed it. The game Zom Ninja was removed do to the player           having to kill zombies and they now look at that as being to violent even if there is no blood  but you can aways play them   here  .